Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) is a linear, multivariate model which uses the PLS algorithm to allow classification of categorically labelled data. PLS-DA seeks for components that best separate the sample groups, whilst the sparse version also selects variables that best discriminate between groups. Here, the functionality of the multilevel approach is exemplified.
Load the latest version of mixOmics. Note that the seed is set such that all plots can be reproduced. This should not be included in proper use of these functions.
library(mixOmics) # import the mixOmics library
set.seed(5249) # for reproducibility, remove for normal use
The Vac18 dataset derives from a trail which evaluated the efficacy of a vaccine against HIV-1 by measuring lipopeptides in HIV-1 negative individuals [1].
The mixOmics
Vac18 dataset is accessed via
and contains the following:
(continuous matrix): 42 rows and 1000
columns. The expression levels of the 1000 genes across the 42
(categorical vector): class vector
of length 42. Indicates the type of in vitro stimulation for each
(categorical vectors): class vector of
length 42. Indicates the unique subject associated with each row of
data. Note that this study is unbalanced.
(categorical matrix): 1000 rows
and 2 columns. The two columns correspond to the Illumina probe ID and
gene names for each of the 1000 measured genes.
The dimensions of the genes
dataset is first checked to
determine the correct data has been extracted. As can also be seen
directly below, the samples and stimulation methods are not balanced
across this study. This is not an issue with the mixOmics
data(vac18) # extract the vac18 data
X <- vac18$genes # use the genetic expression data as the X (predictor) dataframe
dim(X) # check dimensions of gene expression data
## [1] 42 1000
summary(vac18$stimulation) # observe distribution of response variable
## 11 10 10 11
summary(as.factor(vac18$sample)) # observe distribution of subjects
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
## 4 4 2 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3
As is good practice, a preliminary exploration of the data is
undergone prior to forming sPLS-DA models. PCA assumes that all samples
are independent which is not the case here. Fortunately, the
and spca()
contain multilevel functionality. The repeated measurements of the study
can be accounted for via the multilevel
Below, Figure 1a depicts samples projected onto PCs that didnt use a multilevel approach while Figure 1b depicts the same samples onto PCs that used the multilevel design. Figure 1a has the samples corresponding to the same subject in close proximity of one another while Figure 1b has samples cluster more by their stimulation methods rather than subject.
As was discussed in the Mulilevel page, the difference between Figure 1a and 1b is a good indicator that the multilevel approach will be useful for this data.
# undergo normal PCA after scaling/centering
pca.vac18 <- pca(X, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)
design <- data.frame(sample = vac18$sample) # set the multilevel design
# undergo multilevel PCA after scaling/centering
pca.multilevel.vac18 <- pca(X, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE,
multilevel = design)
# plot the samples on normal PCs
plotIndiv(pca.vac18, group = vac18$stimulation,
ind.names = vac18$sample,
legend = TRUE, legend.title = 'Stimulation',
title = '(a) PCA on VAC18 data')
# plot the samples on multilevel PCs
plotIndiv(pca.multilevel.vac18, group = vac18$stimulation,
ind.names = vac18$sample,
legend = TRUE, legend.title = 'Stimulation',
title = '(b) Multilevel PCA on VAC18 data')
FIGURE 1: PCA and multilevel PCA sample plot on the gene expression data
from the vac18
study. (a) The sample plot shows that
samples within the same individual tend to cluster, as indicated by the
individual ID, but we observe no clustering according to treatment. (b)
After multilevel PCA, we observe some clustering according to treatment
Y <- vac18$stimulation # use the stim method as the response variable vector
# undergo sPLS-DA after parameter tuning
final.splsda.multilevel.vac18 <- splsda(X, Y, ncomp = optimal.ncomp,
keepX = optimal.keepX,
multilevel = design)
optimal.ncomp # tuned number of components
## [1] 4
optimal.keepX # tuned number of features per component
## comp1 comp2 comp3 comp4
## 20 70 50 80
The projection of the samples onto the novel components produced by
the sPLS-DA algorithm can be seen in Figure 2. When comparing this to
Figure 1a, there is a marked improvement in the clustering of samples
according to their treatment. The LIPO5
groups separated very well. The use of the multilevel
design allowed the inter-subject variation to be filtered out for the
prioritisation of inter-treatment variation. The GAG-
groups are seeminly inseparable on this set of axes.
Across these first two components, only 16% of the total variation is
accounted for.
plotIndiv(final.splsda.multilevel.vac18, group = vac18$stimulation,
ind.names = vac18$sample,
legend = TRUE, legend.title = 'Treatment',
title = 'Sample Plot of sPLS-DA on Vac18 data')
FIGURE 2: Sample plot for sPLS-DA performed on the vac18
data. Samples are projected into the space spanned by the first two
components yielded by this method.
Through the use of the style
parameter of this plotting
function, a third axis can be depicted. This increases the total
variance accounted for to 22%. In Figure 3 all four treatment groups
have been separated (though this is difficult to see without being able
to change the perspective).
group = vac18$stimulation,
ind.names = vac18$stimulation,
style = '3d')
FIGURE 3: Sample plot for sPLS-DA performed on the vac18
data. Samples are projected into the space spanned by the first three
components yielded by this method.
A heatmap representation of each sample’s feature values is very useful in this context. This has been visualised in Figure 4. The left-most column of colours depict the subject associated with each sample. It is of note that samples from the one subject were rarely clustered together (using hierarchical clustering) as seen in the dendrogram on the left. This once again shows how the multilevel approach avoids focusing on the inter-sample variation which usually does not yield any useful information.
# set the colours used for the subject assocaited
# with each sample (left-most column)
col.ID <- c("lightgreen", "red", "lightblue", "darkorange",
"purple", "maroon", "blue", "chocolate", "turquoise",
"tomato1", "pink2", "aquamarine")[vac18$sample]
row.sideColors = cbind(color.mixo(c(vac18$stimulation)), col.ID),
row.names = paste(vac18$stimulation, vac18$sample, sep = "_"),
col.names = FALSE, legend=list(legend = c(levels(vac18$stimulation)),
col = c(color.mixo(1:4)),
title = "Stimulation", cex = 0.8))
FIGURE 4: Clustered Image Map from the sPLS-DA performed on the
data. The plot displays the genetic expression levels
of each measured feature for each sample. Hierarchical clustering was
done with a complete Euclidean distance method. The left-most column of
colours denotes which subject a given sample belongs to. The colour
column to the right of this shows the treatment associated with each