
Sept 12-14 Sept 2016, Toulouse, FR

Dear mixOmics users,

It is our pleasure to announce the following mixOmics 3-day workshop sponsored by EU COST Action “The quest for tolerant varieties: phenotyping at plant and cellular level (FA1306). More details in the pdf here. We do offer some travel grants for PhD students and early career researchers.

Organized by

 Dates:  Monday 12 September until Wednesday 14 September 2016 (3 full days)

Practical information: The course fee is 300 € for the academia and 600 € for the industry. It covers tuition, course material, coffee/tea, lunches and 1 diner downtown on Monday 12 September. Please note that no fee will be counted for 12 PhD students and/or early postdocs (up to 8 years after Ph.D) selected by COST Action FA1306, and their travel and living expenses will be take in charge up to 650 €.

Location: Toulouse, France

Maximum number of participants: 30

Deadline for application: 15 June 2016

Decision for attendee selection and grant allowance: 30 June 2016

Registration: 4 to 15 July 2016

Apply for this Summer School at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FLSYJZP

In addition, send a CV to E Jamet (jamet [at] lrsv.ups-tlse.fr) and do not forget to mention if you want to apply for a grant.

Contact in Toulouse:  E Jamet, LRSV, jamet [at] lrsv.ups-tlse.fr

Good luck!