Category Archives: Updates

Φ-Space: Continuous phenotyping of single-cell multi-omics data

We have developed a new PLS method for cell type continuous annotation of single cells, now in preprint! Φ-Space addresses numerous challenges faced by state-of-the-art automated annotation methods: to identify continuous and out-of-reference cell states, to deal with batch effects … Continue reading

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Patch 6.1.2 and some updates

R CRAN update The new patch version of mixOmics is on CRAN. It includes a few bug fixes raised by our users (thank you!) and a few improvements. Florian Rohart has been fiddling really hard with ggplot2 to make a … Continue reading

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mixOmics 5.2.0 (graphical improvements)

  We are proud to introduce a new mixOmics update dedicated mainly to improvements in graphical outputs. The changes are listed below, please note the change of arguments names (promise, we’ll try not do that again). More posts to come … Continue reading

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