Oct 23-24 2017, Toulouse, FR, Advanced Workshop

[Update: the workshop is full subscribed and registrations have closed!] This is the first edition of our advanced workshop, run by Dr Kim-Anh Lê Cao and Sébastien Déjean. The event and Dr Kim-Anh Lê Cao’s visit is sponsored by the visiting scientist program INP Toulouse and by the company Methodomics.

The mixOmics package has undergone substantial improvements and methodological developments in the last 18 months to address the strong demand from the computational and biological community to integrate multiple (>2) `omics data sets, including microbiome, genotype and longitudinal data. The aim of this advanced workshop is to introduce our new frameworks and encourage discussions, collaborations and suggested improvements on the themes including:

  1. N-integration with DIABLO
  2. P-integration with MINT
  3. Longitudinal `omics analysis with timeOmics (not yet in mixOmics!)
  4. Exploratory multivariate analysis with SNPOmics (not yet in mixOmics!)
  5. mixMC: mixOmics for Microbial communities, with N-integration extensions

Date: 23-24 October 2017

Venue: Ground level, building ‘SDAR’, INRA Toulouse, Castanet Tolosan (map access coming soon)

Prerequisites: Since this is an advanced course, we expect the participants to be expert in R programming language and familiar with multivariate projection based methods and mixOmics.

More details: at this link

Interested? contact us at mixomics [at] math.univ-toulouse.fr