
Nov 9-10 2017, Toulouse, FR

Some feedback from our participants to the question:  ‘What did you like most about that workshop?’ (Survey Monkey results)

  • Theoretical + practical courses, course materials are really great
  • Regular oral review of the take-home messages
  • The slides and Kim-Anh presentations: very pedagogical
  • The workshop provides the exact combination of theory and practical exercises I liked to have. The examples with R scripts are so organized that you can understand the thinking process behind the analysis.
  • Open atmosphere and good pace, with enough of theory to understand the core principles
  • Didactic speakers, not much mathematics and formulas, alternance of theory and practice, well prepared R scripts and documents
  • The use of these tools is straightforward
  • Both the lecturer created a very nice exchange with the group, making everyone comfortable in making questions and express doubts.
  • Clear- Concise- Adaptable- Very complete R scripts and pdf documents


We will be running a classic 2-day mixOmics workshop in November, taught by Dr Kim-Anh Lê Cao and Sébastien Déjean and other mixOmics team contributors. The event and Dr Kim-Anh Lê Cao’s visit is sponsored by the visiting scientist program INP Toulouse.

The objective of the workshop is to introduce the fundamental concepts of multivariate dimension reduction methodologies. Those methods are particularly useful for data exploration and integration of large data sets, and especially in the context of systems biology, or in research areas where statistical data integration is required. Each methodology (one ‘omics, 2 and multiple ‘omics integration) that will be presented during the course will be applied on biological “omics” studies including transcriptomics, metabolomic, proteomics and microbiome data sets using the R package mixOmics

Date: 9-10 November 2017

Venue: salle E111, Batiment E, UMR-GenPhySE, INRA Toulouse Castanet Tolosan (map access coming soon)

Prerequisites: We expect the participants to a good working knowledge in R (e.g. handling data frames and perform basic calculations). Participants are requested to bring their own laptops, having installed the software RStudio and the R package mixOmics (instructions provided prior to the training).

Practical information: The workshop is free of charge for all participants as it is fully sponsored by INP. Priority will be given to INP students, external postgraduate students and early career researcher. The workshop includes tuition, course material. The workshop excludes tea/coffee and lunch during the breaks.

More details: see this flyer.

Register: registrations have now closed. 

Want to know more? contact us at mixomics [at] math.univ-toulouse.fr