We have a range of resources available to help you get to grips with the mixOmics package. If you are new to mixOmics and don’t know where to start check out the Getting Started page.
Practical resources to help you use mixOmics:
- Our bookdown document presents our key methods step-by-step
- We run regular 2 and 3-day workshops in Australia, in Europe and elsewhere
- This website also includes:
- Information on each of the main mixOmics methods
- Information on each of the mixOmics plotting functions
- Case studies to illustrate how to use mixOmics to analyse and visualise different types of data
- Frequently Asked Questions and Common Issues and Errors
- A glossary of key terms used in many of our resources
More resources to help you understand how mixOmics works and how you can use it:
- Our mixOmics book details our methodologies and presents case studies for each method
- Some key concepts of the mixOmics framework (how to tune variables, run performance analysis, deal with multilevel data and data with missing values) are described in our website
- Webinars presented by members of our team explain the theory and motivation behind some of our methods (including new methods not yet implemented in the mixOmics framework)
- Our publications contain more detail on our methodologies
The mixOmics community
In 2024, over 20,000 people downloaded mixOmics to use for their analysis. By joining this mixOmics community you can find out about latest developments and connect with people doing similar analysis to you.
You can join our community by:
- joining our thriving mixOmics user forum where you can engage in discussions, read posts which are relevant to your analysis and ask questions to our team
- posting any bugs or technical issues in our Github repository
You can stay up to date with latest mixOmics news by:
- registering to our mailing list to stay up to date and read about our latest publications
- check our Updates page for latest publications, package developments, conferences and workshops
Any other questions or feedback? Contact us here.