R package and Methods: IPCA and sparse IPCA functions have been implemented (as well as their associated S3 functions). IPCA stands for Principal Component Analysis with Independent Loadings. It is a combination of the advantages of both PCA and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). PCA is a powerful exploratory tool if the biological question is related to the highest variance. ICA was recently proposed in the literature as an alternative to PCA as it optimizes an independence condition that can give more meaningful components. A preprint can be available upon request.
R package and Data: The Liver Toxicity study data has been updated to provide geneBank IDs and gene titles
R package and Data: Two other data sets have been added: Prostate Tumor study (gene expression) and Metabolomic study of Yeast (metabolomics).
Web interface: We are making good progress on our associated web-interface (now deployed on http://mixomics.qfab.org). Few illustrative examples are also available, and you can download the illustrative examples and run any type of analysis trough the interface. We are currently developing a ‘next level analysis’ to provide pathway enrichment analyses and give the functional annotation of the selected genes using the iHOP database. Do not hesitate to give us some feedback!
‘sletter: we now have a newsletter, to subscribe, send an email to mixomics[at]math.univ-toulouse.fr with no subject in the body.
New S3 method network and cim for results from PLS model
New code for the valid function to PLS-DA and SPLS-DA models validation
The S3 method plot.valid was modified to display graphical results from valid function for PLS-DA and SPLS-DA models
cim and network functions were modified to obtain the similarity matrix in return value
The S3 method plotVar was modified to obtain the coordinates for X and Y variables in return value
The predict function has been modified to simultaneously run either several or all prediction methods available to predict the classes of the test data from PLS-DA and SPLS-DA models
plsda and splsda have been further improved so that all the S3 functions predict, print, plotIndiv, plot3dIndiv can be used with these new classes
Several prediction methods are now available to predict the classes of test data with plsda andsplsda, see argument 'method' (max.dist, class.dist, centroids.dist, mahalanobis.dist) in thepredict function