Sept 12-14 Sept 2016, Toulouse, FR

Dear mixOmics users,

It is our pleasure to announce the following mixOmics 3-day workshop sponsored by EU COST Action “The quest for tolerant varieties: phenotyping at plant and cellular level (FA1306). More details in the pdf here. We do offer some travel grants for PhD students and early career researchers.

Organized by

 Dates:  Monday 12 September until Wednesday 14 September 2016 (3 full days)

Practical information: The course fee is 300 € for the academia and 600 € for the industry. It covers tuition, course material, coffee/tea, lunches and 1 diner downtown on Monday 12 September. Please note that no fee will be counted for 12 PhD students and/or early postdocs (up to 8 years after Ph.D) selected by COST Action FA1306, and their travel and living expenses will be take in charge up to 650 €.

Location: Toulouse, France

Maximum number of participants: 30

Deadline for application: 15 June 2016

Decision for attendee selection and grant allowance: 30 June 2016

Registration: 4 to 15 July 2016

Apply for this Summer School at:

In addition, send a CV to E Jamet (jamet [at] and do not forget to mention if you want to apply for a grant.

Contact in Toulouse:  E Jamet, LRSV, jamet [at]

Good luck!

March 24-25 2016, Nantes, FR

This was our first workshop of the year!

‘many thanks for that great tutorial’, ‘excellent training, excellent teachers, excellent visual aids’

When : 24-25 March 2015

Where : Nantes

Institution : L’Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l’Alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (

Lab : Laboratoire d’Etude des Résidus et des Contaminants dans les aliments (

Teachers : Sébastien Déjean, François Bartolo (Toulouse-based team)

Sept 24-25 2015, Jouy-en-Josas, FR

Date: 24-25 September 2015, 9.30am – 5.30pm

Venue: INRA Jouy-en-Josas, Allée de Vilvert, 78352 Jouy-en-Josas, France

paper, pdf and slide great, excellent pedagogy

A lot of informations were brought and must be adapted on our complex data. Workshop was well organized and the speech was really clear even if some things were not easy to understand when we don’t know all the statistical terms. But Kim-Ahn was very available for more explanations. Thank you very much. A lot of new ideas for data treatments… :)

2015-09-27 21.11.05
Sorry no pictures from the workshop this time. All characters appearing in this Totoro puzzle are fictitious. Any resemblance to real workshop participants is purely coincidental.



Sept 14-15 2015, Toulouse, FR

Date: 14-15 September 2015, 9am – 5pm

Venue: Salle 131 Bâtiment administratif, INRA Toulouse Auzeville, Chemin de Borde Rouge, 31326 Castanet Tolosan cedex

‘I discovered a lot of new methods and it gives me ideas for future analyses. The practical part of the course is particularly interesting (make it more concret).’

‘intervenants très disponibles pour discuter, et nous aider’

‘super bonne préparation’ ‘bonne articulation theorique et pratique’

Sébastien (bottom left) explaining some mixOmics concepts



Aug 13-14 2015, Brisbane, AUS

Our first Brisbane workshop entitled ‘mixOmics: exploration and integration of ‘omics data‘ is taking place at the Translational Research Institute in sunny Brisbane, where the Lê Cao team is based. The workshop is sponsored by AGTA small grant scheme, QIAGEN and our institutes the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute (UQDI) and the Translational Research Institute (TRI).

The workshop will be mostly targeting postgraduate students, postdocs and researchers working in biology, bioinformatics, computational biology, with a basic knowledge in statistics and good R programming skills.

Dates: 13-14 August 2015

Time: 9am – 5pm

Venue: SparQ-eD Room 2011, level 2, Translational Research Institute, 37 Kent st, Woolloonggabba, Brisbane.

The case studies were very helpful in understanding the type of data each test can be used with.’

Loved it. Very well presented, course material very clear and will be a useful resource in the future. Thanks Kim-Anh!!

‘Very nicely and clearly explained. Particularly appreciated that we were given the R scripts, so that we could concentrate on concepts rather than scripting.

‘Everyone very helpful. Thanks Benoit!! You are a legend!’
‘Very well designed such that the concepts were presented and explained while the trickiness of the R code was helped enormously by being able to follow the downloaded scripts. The tutors were very helpful in interpreting what the code was doing.’
‘I really enjoyed the workshop – I found it very informative and the analogies used to help explain some of the more difficult concepts were very helpful.’

mixomics seminar poster final

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April 9-10 2015, Auckland, NZ

We ran our third workshop at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The event was organised by the Department of Statistics’ Statistical Consulting Centre. For more details go to the Statistical Consulting Centre’s Workshops web page.

There were 34 live and 6 online participants.

Coming up workshops: Brisbane (End of June 2015) and Paris (24-25 Sept 2015).

Our 34 participants in UoA


‘It was very helpful, I learned a lot from it, Thank you very much Kim and your team !’

‘Excellent – very cutting-edge technology. Thanks!’

‘Good team. Excellent speaker, and the two assistant were very helpful’

‘It was great, thank you Kim-Anh, you explain very well and your slides are very clear’

Well done. I appreciate the effort going in to prepare the course material

The Oz mixOmics team in New Zealand