This page lists some issues, errors and lack of features which are frequently asked about in the mixOmics Discussion Forum. If your issue isn’t found here (or in the general FAQ) then create a post in the forum and we will endeavour to respond to it ASAP.
Common Errors
When undergoing PLS:
chol.default(Cxx) : the leading minor of order 30 is not positive definite
This is mostly likely to occur when encountering singular matrices, where the total number of variables from both data sets is much larger than the number of samples. We suggest using regularized CCA instead (i.e. with regularization parameters lambda1
and lambda2
greater than 0) or (s)PLS in canonical mode.
When undergoing sPLS-DA:
system is computationally singular
There are a few different causes of this error and is context dependent. A few of the most likely sources are:
- A large degree of sparsity within your data, such that there is a large number of missing or zero values. One suggestion would be to remove all features that have more than a certain threshold (eg. 20%) of zero/missing value. If this does not work, refer to the Missing Values page on how to impute these values manually.
- You are trying to create a (s)PLS-DA model with too many components. This is likely to result in large, empty matrices. Try reducing the number of components within your model.
- The features you are inputting have a high degree of multi-collinearity such that they are extremely similar in their distributions. Before generating the model, assess your features for their collinearity and remove features which are extremely similar to others.
When using the cim() function:
Error in abs(mat$rotation) : non-numeric argument to mathematical function
Unfortunately, the cim()
function cannot currently take objects of type pca
. This is an issue that is currently being worked on.
When using the cim() function:
Error in cim plot: invalid value specified for graphical parameter "pin"
Unfortunately, the cim()
function cannot currently take objects of type ipca
. This is an issue that is currently being worked on.
When using the cim() function:
Error in cim plot : figure margins too large
This is caused by the actual window being too small in Rstudio. It is advised to make Rstudio cover the whole screen and then adjust the margins of the various windows such that the size of the window where the ‘Plots’ is found is maximised. This should resolve this common error.
If this fails, the use of the X11()
function may also resolve this. Refer to the save
parameters to produce an image to an external file if this is still an issue.
Common Issues
Despite using the same code as indicated in the tutorial or the help file, plsda() returns an error message:
This is highly likely due to a clash with another package that also provides a plsda()
function (caret
or muma
for instance; the spls
package provides a splsda()
function) that was loaded before mixOmics.
You can either unload these packages using the function detach()
or use the command mixOmics::plsda(...)
to be force the plsda()
function from mixOmics
to be run.
Names of features in a plot are too long causing one of the following plots:
If this is the case, then the var.names
parameter (or in the case of cim()
and network()
, row.names
& col.names
) can be used to manually input the variable names.
For the plotLoadings()
function specifically, if any of the variable names are longer that 68 characters, the following error will be raised and nothing will be plotted:
plotLoadings encountered margin errors. Ensure feature names are not too long
(see ‘name.var’ argument) and the ‘Plots’ pane is cleared and enlargened.
The vip() has more non-zero features than the corresponding keepX value:
This issue is caused by the discrepancy between how values are selected in the tuning process versus how VIP values are calculated. It is unlikely (but not impossible) that the tuning process will select the same feature to be used for multiple components. If a feature has been selected for component 1 (and not component 2), but has non-zero VIPs for both components, component 2 will have one extra non-zero VIP compared to its keepX