Getting Started

mixOmics resources

This website includes an overview of what is inside the mixOmics R package and how to select which mixOmics method is most suitable for your data and biological question. It also includes details of each of the main mixOmics methods and plotting functions, and case studies to illustrate these.

For more information, read our bookdown document which present our key methods step-by-step.

To get a better understanding of the theory and motivation behind the different mixOmics methods have a look at our publications, webinars and book.

We also run regular 2 and 3-day workshops in Australia, in Europe and elsewhere. See our list of past and upcoming workshops here.

The mixOmics community

mixOmics is under active development. Register to our mailing list to stay up to date and read about our latest publications, conferences and workshops on the Updates page.

We have a thriving mixOmics user forum where you can engage in discussions, read posts which are relevant to your analysis and ask questions to our team.

You can see all of the mixOmics code on our Github repository. Here you can pull the latest devel version of mixOmics and post bugs or technical issues.

Any other questions or feedback? Contact us here.