Welcome to mixOmics!
If you want a global overview of what mixOmics does check out our webinar: mixOmics in 50 minutes.
1. Install mixOmics
- Install the mixOmics R package to start exploring its functions and test data
- Follow our installation guide for step-by-step instructions
2. Choose your method
mixOmics offers various statistical methods and visualization tools. Not sure which one fits your data?
- Read the Select your Method guide
- Ask questions or browse past discussions on the mixOmics forum
⚠️ Note: mixOmics requires preprocessed data, which must be prepared using external tools – except for microbiome data for which some pre-processing functions are available.
3. Understand what your method does and learn how to apply it
- Check out the mixOmics workflow for applying your method
- Method pages explain how each method works, check out the linked webinars on each of these pages for more details
- Case studies help with key analysis steps and parameter tuning for better results
- Explore more case studies in our extended Vignette
- Join a mixOmics workshop for hands-on learning.
- Want a deeper dive? Check out our book (discounts available).
4. If you get stuck
- FAQs and common issues and errors – quick solutions to common problems
- mixOmics user forum – ask questions and learn from the community