The plotIndiv()
function creates sample plots to show relationships between samples in a dataset, making it easy to spot patterns and clusters. It works with both supervised and unsupervised analyses, helping to explore data structure and classification. Users can customize the plot’s appearance with different styles, projection spaces, and optional confidence ellipses or prediction backgrounds. It’s especially useful for multi-omics studies, helping to compare and integrate different datasets visually.
Data used on this page:nutrimouse
Key functions used on this page:plotIndiv()
Case studies that use this plot:
PCA – Multidrug
IPCA – Liver Toxicity
rCCA – Nutrimouse
sPLS – Liver Toxicity
Multilevel – Vac18
1. Rohart F, Gautier B, Singh A, Lê Cao K-A (2017b). mixOmics: an R package for ‘omics feature selection and multiple data integration.
2. Rohart F., Matigian N., Eslami A., Bougeard S and Lê Cao, K-A (2017a). MINT: A multivariate integrative method to identify reproducible molecular signatures across independent experiments and platforms BMC Bioinformatics 18:128.
3. Murdoch, D. and Chow, E. (1996). A graphical display of large correlation matrices. The American Statistician, 50(2):178–180.34