
0. Mac OS users only

1. Install the mixOmics package from Bioconductor

## install BiocManager if not installed 
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))    
## then install mixOmics

1. (Alternative) to obtain the latest update of mixOmics

mixOmics updates on Bioconductor every 6 months, but in-between these updates you can install the latest version of mixOmics from Github using the following code:

## install devtools
## then install latest github version of mixOmics

⚠️ Note: the latest version of mixOmics on Github is under active development and may contain bugs, if you encounter issues please report them on the Github issues page and/or use the latest Bioconductor release version

2. Check after install

Use the following code to load the mixOmics package and check the installation has worked:


3. Start exploring mixOmics

The mixOmics package contains functions for statistical models and plotting as well as test data. Once you have mixOmics installed you can use it to run case studies to familiarise yourself with the package. If you are unsure of how a function works, you can access the help pages using ?

## access the help pages for the plsda function 