We love research in any shape or form, so we also had a look at who uses mixOmics outside our wider network. Here are some insights as of Jan 2025.
Our main users are researchers, who published more than 3,000 articles. We have curated a small list as examples of use in our list of publications. These researchers work in a variety of fields, spanning fundamental biology, biomedical research, ecology, agriculture, cosmetic.
mixOmics has been consistently ranked in the top 5% downloads in Bioconductor since 2017, with 54k downloads (26k unique IP) in 2024.
mixOmics has been used in more than a hundred patents, for profit and non profit across the world. For profit companies in Asia include Clinical Nutrition Intl (Malaysia), Epasys USA Corporation (Korea), Hangzhou Kailapu Precision Medical Testing Technology (China), Kumamoto Flour Milling(Japan). In Europe, Pierre Fabre Dermo-Cosmetique (France), Société des Produits Nestlé (Switzerland), Cardiomix (Italy), in North America, Mars incoporated, Photon Migration Technologies, Bioventures and in Australia Respiradigm.
From our workshops and discussions with our users, mixOmics is also used in companies such as Moderna, Invivogen, Veolia, Sanofi, Vaiomer, Danone, AgResearch, Plant and Food, Cryptobiotix, Lanzatech to list a few.