We pushed 6.3.1 following a major bug in 6.3.0 when dealing with missing values (especially with DIABLO). Another bug related to the one-sided t-test in the tune functions. All good now. Nipals is also faster to run.
A big thank to the users who give us feedback via our bitbucket issue list, this is very useful to us to continue improving the package.
The 3 workshops we ran in October and November 2017 were a success. The first Advanced workshop resulted in many stimulating discussions that will help the development team to move forward. The two beginner workshops were also a lot of fun. We are particularly pleased to see how the small mixOmics community is growing!
Our paper has finally been published in Plos Computational Biology as a software article. The main methods are described in the poster below. We are now working on the long awaited DIABLO manuscript so that it leaves bioaRxiv and has its life of its own!
In the next few months these are the changes we are planning ahead:
- a conversion to bioconductor. Ain’t no fear, it should not affect the function calls. We think it is now the right time to reach the bioconductor community, but that implies a fair amount of implementation on our side. Consequently the methods development will slow down in the coming few months.
- a mixOmics forum to encourage discussions around the 19 methods we have now currently available.