A quick video introduction for mixOmics, vote for us!

Dear mixOmics friends, users, and adventurers,

We are reaching out to you to get your unbiased vote ;) for the Bioinformatics PeerPrize III where we promote our latest publication in PLoS Computational Biology as a software article.

For those not familiar with the package, the little 3min video will give you a brief introduction to the topics of

  • `omics data integration in systems biology
  • multivariate dimension reduction techniques
  • mixOmics: what is it?
  • our main integrative methods DIABLO and MINT

This prize is a great opportunity for us to disseminate the toolkit. As you know, software development and obtaining resources to do so is not a piece of cake, but we managed, along the years. In 2017 the package was downloaded 29,000 times and is still going strong! thanks to your support and your invaluable feedback.

Vote for us if you like our entry! Votes closeon Feb 19. Thank you!

(it will require the entry of your organisation and a ref of a paper where you were co-author on. They take this seriously!)

More news about what is coming up in 2018 for mixOmics very soon. We wish you many successful mixOmics analyses to you all for 2018!