Tag Archives: workshop

Update 6.1.3 on CRAN, postdoc position, manuscript and upcoming workshops

Dear mixOmics users, We have been quiet for a while, but we have some good news! A CRAN update, a manuscript in bioRxiv, a 3-year postdoc position open to be part of the mixOmics core team, and three workshops planned … Continue reading

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Software requirements for mixOmics workshops

We list below some installation requirements to ensure the mixOmics workshop will run smoothly for everyone. Important reminders. We expect the trainees to have a good working knowledge in R programming (e.g. handling data frame, perform simple calculations and display simple graphical outputs) … Continue reading

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22 July 2016, Saclay, FR Summer School Saclay Plant Sciences

Summer School 2016 – July 17-22, 2016 “From gene expression to genomic network”, Centre Port Royal, Saint-Lambert (near Versaille)    

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July 11-13 2016, Clermont-Ferrand, FR

Dear mixOmics users, It is our pleasure to announce the following mixOmics 3-day workshop organized by INRA in Clermond-Ferrand from 11 to 13 july 2016. More details (in french) in the pdf here.

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Sept 12-14 Sept 2016, Toulouse, FR

Dear mixOmics users, It is our pleasure to announce the following mixOmics 3-day workshop sponsored by EU COST Action “The quest for tolerant varieties: phenotyping at plant and cellular level (FA1306). More details in the pdf here. We do offer some travel … Continue reading

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March 24-25 2016, Nantes, FR

This was our first workshop of the year! ‘many thanks for that great tutorial’, ‘excellent training, excellent teachers, excellent visual aids’ When : 24-25 March 2015 Where : Nantes Institution : L’Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l’Alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (http://www.oniris-nantes.fr/) Lab : Laboratoire d’Etude des Résidus … Continue reading

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Sept 24-25 2015, Jouy-en-Josas, FR

Date: 24-25 September 2015, 9.30am – 5.30pm Venue: INRA Jouy-en-Josas, Allée de Vilvert, 78352 Jouy-en-Josas, France ‘paper, pdf and slide great, excellent pedagogy‘ ‘A lot of informations were brought and must be adapted on our complex data. Workshop was well organized … Continue reading

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Sept 14-15 2015, Toulouse, FR

Date: 14-15 September 2015, 9am – 5pm Venue: Salle 131 Bâtiment administratif, INRA Toulouse Auzeville, Chemin de Borde Rouge, 31326 Castanet Tolosan cedex ‘I discovered a lot of new methods and it gives me ideas for future analyses. The practical part … Continue reading

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Date: 10-11 September 2015, 9am – 5pm Venue: CIRAD – Agricultural Research for Development, Avenue Agropolis, 34000 Montpellier, France. ‘compact but enough information. excellent book‘ ‘les travaux pratiques étaient très clairs, avec les data et les scripts r‘

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Aug 13-14 2015, Brisbane, AUS

Our first Brisbane workshop entitled ‘mixOmics: exploration and integration of ‘omics data‘ is taking place at the Translational Research Institute in sunny Brisbane, where the Lê Cao team is based. The workshop is sponsored by AGTA small grant scheme, QIAGEN and our … Continue reading

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