
News 2018, workshops 2018 and DIABLO

Dear all,

The first few months of the year have been busy for us. Thanks to your support, we have been ranked second to the Bioinformatics Peer Prize (57 votes, so close after the winner with 59 votes!). Our entry is listed at this link if you would like to watch a basic introduction to the package.

For those who are new to mixOmics, I also cooked some prezi slides to introduce the broad context of where mixOmics sits, which was presented at the University of Melbourne ResBaz event in February.

We have now scheduled our 2018 workshops:

  • An advanced workshop focusing on omics data integration 7-8 June in the Parisian region. The registration will be in two stages: Expression of Interest due on April 29, followed by registration. The workshop will accommodate 30 participants. More details here. 
  • A 3-day beginner workshop 23-25 July at the University of Melbourne. More details will be populated very soon.

We have pushed the second version of our DIABLO manuscript on bioRxiv. The codes are currently on gitHub but they will also be rendered on our website soon.

For some little news, you can also follow us on Twitter @mixOmics_team.


Kim-Anh for the mixOmics team