Multilevel Vac18 Case Study

For background information on the (s)PLS-DA method, refer to the PLS-DA Methods Page. For more information on multilevel analysis refer to the Multilevel page.

The R script used for all the analysis in this case study is available here.

The sPLS-DA model shown on this page won’t be tuned explicitly as this has already been covered in considerable depth elsewhere. The values of optimal.ncomp and optimal.keepX were calculated externally and loaded in (downloadable here).

For more information and details on tuning the sPLS-DA method, refer to the sPLS-DA SRBCT Case Study.

More information on Plots

For a more in depth explanation of how to use and interpret the plots seen, refer to the following pages:

  1. Salmon-Ceron D, Durier C, Desaint C. et al. Immunogenicity and safety of an HIV-1 lipopeptide vaccine in healthy adults: a phase 2 placebo-controlled ANRS trial. AIDS 2010; 24: 2211-23.