We run regular mixOmics workshops, often online, but also in person via our wider team (in Europe and in Australia). We usually advertise 3-4 months in advance. Fill in this Expression Of Interest for if you missed out, so that we can notify you.
Do not hesitate to contact us to run dedicated workshops for a specific data type your country at this address mixomics[at]math.univ-toulouse.fr (email for workshop enquiries only!).
See below for full list of past and upcoming mixOmics workshops:
- [closed] Self-paced online course Feb 24 – April 11, 2025Single and multi-omics analysis and integration with mixOmics Our registrations are now closed! Fill in this Expression Of Interest for if you missed out, so that we can notify you of new workshops. This course is designed for: The workshop is self-paced and spans across 7 weeks. There are 4 Q&A live sessions, and many … Continue reading “[closed] Self-paced online course Feb 24 – April 11, 2025”
- [closed] Self-paced online course Oct 21 – Dec 6 2024Unfortunately we had to cancel the workshop as we did not receive a sufficient number of participants to justify running the workshop at this time. These workshops involve peer review and a cohort feel to provide the best experience to our learners. Register your EOI here and we will let you know when the registration … Continue reading “[closed] Self-paced online course Oct 21 – Dec 6 2024”
- [closed] Self-paced online course Feb 5 – March 22 2024This workshop is now closed. Fill in this short survey to register your interest. A new iteration of the course might be run between Sept – Nov if there is sufficient interest! Key summary The new course is open and will run for 7 weeks. This course is online, but at your own pace, meaning … Continue reading “[closed] Self-paced online course Feb 5 – March 22 2024”
- [closed] Self-paced online course May 22 – July 7 2023If you’ve missed out, our next iteration will run from 19th Feb – 5th April 2024. You can fill up this short survey to be notified when we open our next course. Summary The new course is open and will run for 7 weeks. This course is online, but at your own pace, meaning that … Continue reading “[closed] Self-paced online course May 22 – July 7 2023”
- [closed] 13-14 March 2023, Brisbane, AusWe will be running a 2-day workshop at Frazer Institute, University of Queendland. The workshop will cover 1.5 days of lectures and hands-on, and an additional 0.5 day for discussions and opportunities to analyse your own data (assuming the data are already processed and normalised). Fill the survey so that you can register your interest and needs … Continue reading “[closed] 13-14 March 2023, Brisbane, Aus”
- [Closed] Self-paced online course Oct 31st – Nov 27 2022The next iteration of the course will be in September 2023 for a likely duration of 6-8 weeks (it will be advertised 3 months before opening the course). This course is online, but at your own pace, meaning that you need to dedicate enough time (5-8h per week) to fully benefit from the program. Feedback … Continue reading “[Closed] Self-paced online course Oct 31st – Nov 27 2022”
- [Closed] Self paced online course Oct 11 – Nov 7 2021Our next round of online learning will be 31st October 2022! Some feedback from this course: Overall, this was a great course to take and I wish there would be more stats courses for biologists. Kim Anh is truly an amazing tutor. Approachable and knowledgeable. I am very happy that at the end of the … Continue reading “[Closed] Self paced online course Oct 11 – Nov 7 2021”
- [cancelled] 26-29 Oct 2021, Palmerston North, NZ (beginner)Unfortunately the workshop planned face to face on 28-30 June 2021 will not go ahead because of a Melbourne lockdown that threatens the NZ bubble. Anticipated new dates are 26-29 October. For those who responded to our survey, we have saved your answers for later. For those interested to join in (preferably face to face), … Continue reading “[cancelled] 26-29 Oct 2021, Palmerston North, NZ (beginner)”
- 12-13 March, Advanced workshop, L’Oréal headquartersWe ran an advanced workshop to l’Oréal statistics team about mixOmics as well new modules external to the package (which call mixOMics).
- Workshops for 2020The following workshops will be advertised soon. Some are open to any scientists from any institution. This page will be updated as time evolves (we usually advertise our workshops ~ 4 months in advance). 3 – 5 February 2020, beginner workshop, UWA, Perth, Australia 12-13 March 2020, advanced workshop, L’Oreal, Aulnay sous Bois, France 18 … Continue reading “Workshops for 2020”
- Feb 3-5 2020, Perth, AUS (beginner, omics and microbiome)Some feedback from the participants: ‘I liked that simple concepts were explained, to facilitate understanding of the complex ones. It is always nice to recap on the basics’ ‘[It] Provided me with novel insights for my research and how to approach and interpret the data from an integrated statistical/computational and biological point of view.’ ‘I … Continue reading “Feb 3-5 2020, Perth, AUS (beginner, omics and microbiome)”
- Nordic Precision Medicine Forum, 18-19 march 2019The mixOmics team will present at the Nordic Precision Medicine Forum in Stockholm, 18-19 march 2019. Sébastien Déjean will give a talk about Data integration: Examining Statistical Methods for the Exploration and Integration of Heterogeneous Biological Data Sets. Nordic Precision Medicine Forum brings together those at the very forefront of precision medicine from biologists, physicians … Continue reading “Nordic Precision Medicine Forum, 18-19 march 2019”
- April 15 – 17 2019, Melbourne AUS (beginner, microbiome)Feedback from the workshop: This time we included several new case studies specifically focused on microbiome applications. We presented new material, including the problem of compositional data, how to detect and assess existing methods for batch effects (Ms Yiwen (Eva) Wang, PhD student) and our first timeOmics pipeline (Dr Olivier Chapleur). ‘I was especially pleased … Continue reading “April 15 – 17 2019, Melbourne AUS (beginner, microbiome)”
- June 4-6 2019, Toulouse, FR (beginner, 3 days)We will be running a three-day workshop in June 2019 in Toulouse at the introductory level.
- Nov 6 2018, Vancouver (microbiome)Note: this workshop is primarily restricted to Microbiome Research Network students at UBC until Oct 22 when the registration will be open outside MRN if space is available. About the Workshop The objective of this workshop is to introduce fundamental concepts of multivariate dimension reduction methodologies for biological data analysis. Each methodology presented during the course will … Continue reading “Nov 6 2018, Vancouver (microbiome)”
- Software requirements for 2020 mixOmics workshopsWe list below some installation requirements to ensure the mixOmics workshop will run smoothly for everyone. Please update / install prior to the workshop to avoid a WIFI backload. Software installation and updates. 0 – Mac OS users only: install X Quartz first https://www.xquartz.org/ 1 – Install the mixOmics package from Bioconductor You may need to install the … Continue reading “Software requirements for 2020 mixOmics workshops”
- July 8 2018, Barcelona, SP (Introductory)The registrations are now closed as we have reached above and beyond capacity! (53 registrations! Many thanks for your interest!) We will be running a one-day workshop as part of the XXIX International Biometric Conference (IBC 2018). Instructors: Dr Kim-Anh Lê Cao and Dr Sébastien Déjean Organized and sponsored by IBC 2018 Dates 8 July 9am – … Continue reading “July 8 2018, Barcelona, SP (Introductory)”
- April 12-13 2018, Sydney, AUS[The workshop is restricted to WestMead staff only] The objective of this workshop is to introduce the fundamental concepts of multivariate dimension reduction methodologies. Those methods are particularly useful for data exploration and integration of large data sets, and especially in the context of systems biology, or in research areas where statistical data integration is … Continue reading “April 12-13 2018, Sydney, AUS”
- July 23-25 2018, Melbourne AUS (beginner)This was our first workshop on the Melbournian grounds. 34 participants joined the workshop, including 10 ECR and PhD students who received CBRI funding. Some feedback from the workshop from our participants What did you like about that workshop? ‘It was a really good balance between the statistical background and hands-on application of mixOmics software. Kim-Anh … Continue reading “July 23-25 2018, Melbourne AUS (beginner)”
- June 7-8 June 2018, Saclay, FR (advanced)The objective of this advanced workshop is to introduce the fundamental concepts of multivariate dimension reduction methods for the integration of high-throughput biological data sets. The aim of this workshop is to introduce our latest mixOmics integrative frameworks and in particular N-integration with DIABLO where several ‘omics data sets measured on the same biological samples or … Continue reading “June 7-8 June 2018, Saclay, FR (advanced)”
- Version 6.3.0 and workshopA new CRAN version is now available. We have considerably improved the computational time for the tune and perf functions! (see example below). We also fixed some reproducibility issues when using parallel computing with a set seed. The update of the package will require new dependencies: ‘matrixStats’, ‘rARPACK’, ‘gridExtra’ There are still some spots left for … Continue reading “Version 6.3.0 and workshop”
- 6.2.0, 2 postdoc positions and workshopsDear mixOmics users, Our new update 6.2.0 is now available on CRAN as part of our new version of our manuscript. manuscript & package update: The mixOmics manuscript introducing the supervised and integrative frameworks (PLS-DA, DIABLO block.plsda and MINT) has be updated, along with all the R / Sweave case studies, manuscript and codes are … Continue reading “6.2.0, 2 postdoc positions and workshops”
- Nov 22-24 2017, Toulouse, FR[Update: 5 spots left, contact us] ]Following last year’s success of our COST workshop, the second edition will be run by Dr Sébastien Déjean and his crew in Toulouse. The event is organised by the local committee at UGSF (Drs Estelle Goulas, Anne-Sophie Blervacq, Anne Creach, Brigitte Huss and Prof Simon Hawkins) Dates: 12-14 September (3 days) Venue: … Continue reading “Nov 22-24 2017, Toulouse, FR”
- Nov 9-10 2017, Toulouse, FRSome feedback from our participants to the question: ‘What did you like most about that workshop?’ (Survey Monkey results) Theoretical + practical courses, course materials are really great Regular oral review of the take-home messages The slides and Kim-Anh presentations: very pedagogical The workshop provides the exact combination of theory and practical exercises I liked to … Continue reading “Nov 9-10 2017, Toulouse, FR”
- Oct 23-24 2017, Toulouse, FR, Advanced Workshop[Update: the workshop is full subscribed and registrations have closed!] This is the first edition of our advanced workshop, run by Dr Kim-Anh Lê Cao and Sébastien Déjean. The event and Dr Kim-Anh Lê Cao’s visit is sponsored by the visiting scientist program INP Toulouse and by the company Methodomics. The mixOmics package has undergone … Continue reading “Oct 23-24 2017, Toulouse, FR, Advanced Workshop”
- Nov 4 2016, Brisbane, AUSOne-day mixOmics workshop for the Bioinformatics Festival organised by the Australian Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Society, Brisbane, Australia. The workshop focuses on multivariate Supervised Analysis (sPLS-DA and DIABLO).
- Software requirements for mixOmics workshopsWe list below some installation requirements to ensure the mixOmics workshop will run smoothly for everyone. Important reminders. We expect the trainees to have a good working knowledge in R programming (e.g. handling data frame, perform simple calculations and display simple graphical outputs) to be able to fully enjoy the workshop. Attendees are requested to bring their own laptop as … Continue reading “Software requirements for mixOmics workshops”
- 12-14 Sept 2016, Toulouse, FR (COST)Our workshop in Toulouse (3-day) was sponsored by EU COST Action “The quest for tolerant varieties: phenotyping at plant and cellular level (FA1306). and organised by GenoToul Biostat platform, Laboratory of Plant-microbe Interactions (LIPM) and Plant Science Research Laboratory (LRSV). We trained and coached 26 participants and had a great time during the third day (‘byo’ data) and the … Continue reading “12-14 Sept 2016, Toulouse, FR (COST)”
- 22 July 2016, Saclay, FR Summer School Saclay Plant SciencesSummer School 2016 – July 17-22, 2016 “From gene expression to genomic network”, Centre Port Royal, Saint-Lambert (near Versaille)
- July 11-13 2016, Clermont-Ferrand, FRDear mixOmics users, It is our pleasure to announce the following mixOmics 3-day workshop organized by INRA in Clermond-Ferrand from 11 to 13 july 2016. More details (in french) in the pdf here.
- Sept 12-14 Sept 2016, Toulouse, FRDear mixOmics users, It is our pleasure to announce the following mixOmics 3-day workshop sponsored by EU COST Action “The quest for tolerant varieties: phenotyping at plant and cellular level (FA1306). More details in the pdf here. We do offer some travel grants for PhD students and early career researchers. Organized by GenoToul Biostat platform Laboratory of … Continue reading “Sept 12-14 Sept 2016, Toulouse, FR”
- March 24-25 2016, Nantes, FRThis was our first workshop of the year! ‘many thanks for that great tutorial’, ‘excellent training, excellent teachers, excellent visual aids’ When : 24-25 March 2015 Where : Nantes Institution : L’Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l’Alimentation Nantes-Atlantique (http://www.oniris-nantes.fr/) Lab : Laboratoire d’Etude des Résidus et des Contaminants dans les aliments (http://www.oniris-nantes.fr/services/laberca/) Teachers : Sébastien Déjean, François Bartolo (Toulouse-based team)
- Sept 24-25 2015, Jouy-en-Josas, FRDate: 24-25 September 2015, 9.30am – 5.30pm Venue: INRA Jouy-en-Josas, Allée de Vilvert, 78352 Jouy-en-Josas, France ‘paper, pdf and slide great, excellent pedagogy‘ ‘A lot of informations were brought and must be adapted on our complex data. Workshop was well organized and the speech was really clear even if some things were not easy to understand … Continue reading “Sept 24-25 2015, Jouy-en-Josas, FR”
- Sept 14-15 2015, Toulouse, FRDate: 14-15 September 2015, 9am – 5pm Venue: Salle 131 Bâtiment administratif, INRA Toulouse Auzeville, Chemin de Borde Rouge, 31326 Castanet Tolosan cedex ‘I discovered a lot of new methods and it gives me ideas for future analyses. The practical part of the course is particularly interesting (make it more concret).’ ‘intervenants très disponibles pour discuter, … Continue reading “Sept 14-15 2015, Toulouse, FR”
- Sept 10-11 2015, Montpellier, FRDate: 10-11 September 2015, 9am – 5pm Venue: CIRAD – Agricultural Research for Development, Avenue Agropolis, 34000 Montpellier, France. ‘compact but enough information. excellent book‘ ‘les travaux pratiques étaient très clairs, avec les data et les scripts r‘
- Aug 13-14 2015, Brisbane, AUSOur first Brisbane workshop entitled ‘mixOmics: exploration and integration of ‘omics data‘ is taking place at the Translational Research Institute in sunny Brisbane, where the Lê Cao team is based. The workshop is sponsored by AGTA small grant scheme, QIAGEN and our institutes the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute (UQDI) and the Translational Research Institute (TRI). The workshop will be … Continue reading “Aug 13-14 2015, Brisbane, AUS”
- April 9-10 2015, Auckland, NZWe ran our third workshop at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The event was organised by the Department of Statistics’ Statistical Consulting Centre. For more details go to the Statistical Consulting Centre’s Workshops web page. There were 34 live and 6 online participants. Coming up workshops: Brisbane (End of June 2015) and Paris (24-25 Sept 2015). … Continue reading “April 9-10 2015, Auckland, NZ”